Tuesday 16 July 2013


Everyday, I will find new motivation to improve my day. To pass my day productively. Today, or I suppose yesterday, I done things that made me happy. Although its tiring, its worth it. I've always love to put smiles on people's faces. Because everybody deserves to be happy. Regardless of what they are being judged every single day every single time. Yesterday was really a productive day. Its packed, its productive, I get to travel to places I'll never thought I would be at. New exposures new experience. When I was on the bus on my way home, I was very tired due to lack of sleep and spending hours in the office. There's this woman, I assumed that she was from one of those industrial buildings since she boarded the bus from the bus stop right in front of an industrial park surrounded by more industrial parks, she can move down the rear she can sit down she can stand on the other side she choose to stand beside me. There's so much space in the bus. More than enough space for her to move since she keeps talking to her friend/colleague. She keeps leaning against my arm and I got really pissed. Then I thought maybe, I should get a paper and write down all the things that pisses me off in my daily life. Whether is it small or big, reasonable or not, I will write it all down. Everyday, I will try my best to strike off one from that list. At least one. Never stop improving yourself, motivating yourself. Yes, you might fail for the first attempt but that doesn't mean you will never succeed. There are so many good examples out there. If Thomas Edison stopped trying his invention on light bulbs, how do we see in the dark? Light up a candle to last through the night? Major exams coming up and you need to focus but the only light source you will get is from an oil lamp or a candle. Imagine our life now without light bulbs. Because of their perseverance, we get to have more advanced and improved technology from what they have originally created from the early years. Never stop trying. Always strive for the best. Find motivation. I know how it feels like to fail at something you always do your best in. At least you tried your best. Now for the second attempt, try harder. Keep pushing yourself. If the second time you see improvement because of your hard work, won't you feel happy? You improved. And for the third time, get even better result. Isn't that how its suppose to work? C'mon, don't underestimate yourself. You know you can do so much better without all those excuses you gave to yourself. Always strive for the best and never settle for the less when you can settle for more. 

Now here's the list of things that pisses me off. I may give you the impression that I'm just a bimbo but ask yourself truthfully, if those things piss you off too:

  • Noisy toddlers on the bus. (Crying, running around, jumping, screaming and their parents don't even give a shit about it)
  • People who refuses to move down the rear, stand at the entrance blocking the boarding passengers. Especially peak hours. 
  • People who are rushing and they know that they accidentally pushed you but refused to apologise. 
  • Passengers who rushed in immediately without letting the alighting passengers to alight at ease. C'mon you can't be serious. How do you even get in if we don't get to alight. Do the thinking.
  • People who make a fool out of themselves in the public. 
  • People who spits. How disgusting can you get?

I can go on and on but it would make the whole post too wordy. Things happen for a reason. There's no such thing as an accident. There's always a choice yet you choose otherwise. You know it deep down, don't you?

SOOOOOOOO AS I WAS SAYING, NEVER STOP IMPROVING YOURSELF AND NEVER NEVER STOP MOTIVATING YOURSELF. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FAILING FOREVER. To all those who are having fyp this semester and having their UT/exam/test soon, good luck! Although my post might not be motivating enough for you, find your own motivation. Graduate with flying colours! Pass everything with flying colours! Don't give up yet, not now! All the best!

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