Monday 24 June 2013

Faith In Humanity Restored

Well. hi there. I'm back. Had a tough week due to the haze. I didn't expect it to be that serious. But whatever it is, we pull through it. Sounds like some natural disaster. Singapore is too small for any natural disasters or any man-made disasters. Just the haze can drive the whole Singapore crazy. If anything goes wrong, we blame the haze. Whether there's link or not. Reading the tweets make my day. All the mask ran out of stock and even if there are any stock, you will see long queues and by the time its your turn to buy it. OUT OF STOCK. This is life. Just maybe, Singaporeans should prepare themselves in case of any situations like this. If not all the outlets that sell masks will be busy as hell. I'm aware that the masks have shelf life. But that shouldn't be a problem. Take note of the shelf life and when it's time to get new ones, GET IT. Had been spending my week at J's place cause of the haze. Ya, blaming the haze. But really. its the haze. Luckily, it subsided and now, we get to see the clear blue sky again! YAY!

So I went home this morning. When I was on my way home, there's these two foreigners carrying large luggage and bags trying to board the bus. The bus driver walked out of his seat and helped them. That's something I don't get to see everyday. Not all bus drivers are this helpful nowadays. They will always mind their own business and stuff. My faith in humanity restored. Or maybe because he's just helping because those foreigners are from China and he happens to be from China too. LOL. Whatever.

J's birthday is coming and I've got no idea how to celebrate for him. I'm not good at giving surprises but... Well, maybe this time, it will be an exception. Just.... Maybe. He always say that he is a beautiful butterfly. I don't know why out of all the insects, animals and vegetables, he chooses a butterfly. Or caterpillar. Or potato. I don't know and I've got no idea why. But whatever it is, he will always be my beautiful catbutto. What is catbutto? Caterpillar + butterfly + potato = CatButTo. I've got nothing better to do. Okay. Lame. Shall go for a jog. CIAO! ^^

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