Tuesday 30 April 2013

Nights like this

Sometimes, fine may not be what it sounds.

Definition of Fine should be doing good, feeling good. But nowadays, people use it to hide so many feelings. Bottling things up. Many reasons to why they prefer saying they're fine. But actually, they're not. They have a lot of mixed feelings. They might be broken inside, feeling useless, feeling lonely, clueless about everything they're facing, confused of what's happening recently, feeling betrayed, fragile, on the verge to tears, depressed, anxious, about to breakdown, ready to give up on whatever they have now, feeling pathetic, annoying, being rejected, crushed to pieces, distant from the ones they love, feeling like they're going to fall apart at any moment, feeling emptiness, feel like they're being defeated and never good enough. One of those might be list under the word 'Fine' for certain people. Well... In order not to worry anybody that care about them, they just say that they're fine. I don't know about others but.... My advise is whatever you're feeling now, just say it out. Let them know what you're going through. You don't deserve to suffer alone. Although it might not help much, at least do it for yourself. Say it out and if it can be solve, even better. To all the strong girls out there, keep it up. To all those who are still feeling 'fine', solve whatever that you're facing. Talk to someone you don't mind sharing your thoughts to. Talking things out will make you feel better. Suffering alone is not one of your choices or should I say should never be in one of your choices. So c'mon, you can do it. Cheers.

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