Tuesday 30 October 2012



Monday 29 October 2012

Friday 26 October 2012


I'm tired of dealing with my parents and I've enough of their nonsense. Like I said, I live my life my own way. Don't even try to control me. I'm just too damn pissed off. Fuck you all lah knn

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Forever and always

So......... Today is the day where I have a four hours block and always-going-to-be late day. Bumped into Shazalind at the bus stop this morning. Reached class 2 minutes before its 8. Kinda overslept today. Oh well. Baby went for his appointment this morning and I was shocked that he may need to go for surgery. Seriously whoever cause him to injure himself, you better feel guilty about it and go get yourself killed. Fuck you. After school, went to meet my boy at Jurong Point. When I was on my way there, I keep whining about stupid things to Ernest since he lives at Boon Lay. He should already got used to me whining so ya. Bought another book today, 'Fire After Dark' by Sadie Matthews. Shall talk about it after I finish it too. Accompany him to cut his hair and I don't know what's wrong with me. I actually promised him that I will quit smoking by the end of this month. What the fuck. I must be fucking crazy. But in return, I get to have a reward from him. ^^ Had a nap over at his place. For the first time, I fell asleep while watching a movie that is action and violent. Something must be really wrong with me. We watched 300 and I get to see my favourite part, THIS IS SPARTA! HAHAHAHA! Okay fine, its lame. After nap, we went to 888 and eat. So nice of him to send me home today. And ya, shall end with a picture of us.

Monday 22 October 2012


My parents seriously damn fucked up. Control freaks. If you want to control me, give me what I want. If not, you all go suck balls. Don't come and bull shit with me say you always give me what I want. Telling me that I don't play by the game rules. Hey look here, its you whose not playing by the rules. I earn my own money and support my fucking self okay. so stop telling me that I'm always wasting your fucking money when its mine. Your bull shitting doesn't work on me. If you want to bull shit, you can always find somebody else to do it and the success rate will be much fucking higher. Yes, I still have to depend on you cause you provide me shelter and pay my school fees. But so? That doesn't mean you can control the way I want to live my life okay. Talking to both of you is like talking to the fucking wall. Accept it, we have generation gap okay. Its either I study and live the way I want or you give me what I want and I will be a fucking nice kid for that. So I guess you have chosen the second choice. Hence, you shut the fuck up and mind your own business. Oh and fuck you very much.

Sunday 21 October 2012

My sunday

So today, I woke up extra early to meet my boy. Promise to clean his guinea pig's cage today. After breakfast, I'm so reluctant to move. But we did clean the guinea pig's today. It was tiring and it wasn't as easy as I thought. No wonder he is so lazy to clean it himself. (My brain is not functioning well after 5 hours of work. So I shall skip all the details and straight to what happened at workplace today.)

Didn't have much rest after all the cleaning. Went to work and was early for 30 minutes. As usual, I will go upstairs and have a puff before I start all the shits. I don't know why but I think today's customers are so weird. All gave $50 dollar notes instead of small change. What's wrong with you people today?! Money is one thing, the another thing that pisses me off today was the customers. I shall describe the situation one by one.

Customer A: (who take a long time to look at the menu.) I understand that you are not familiar with the menu but you don't have to block the whole queue right? Can you like, take the small pocket menu and stand out of the queue so that we can take orders from others before you know what you want to drink? After thinking for so long and you ordered milk tea with pearl. What the fuck?
Customer B: Keeps repeat that she doesn't want ice in her drink after she's done with the ordering. I know you don't want ice in your drink but you really need to stop repeating cause it's getting really irritating.
Customer C: Ask every single drink that is displayed on the counter. It already says what kind of drink it is, so don't ask questions when you already know what's in it.

I know I'm working at the F&B line and I'm suppose to tolerate all these nonsense but seriously? I know I complain a lot but I just can't stand such customers. Was very very very tired the whole day and only had one meal today. Well, I don't know if is because I'm really busy or I think that I'm busy. Tomorrow is the start of Week 2 and I hope everything goes well till Thursday. After Thursday, I can finally enjoy a long weekend. Shall spend some time with my boy. Shall end here. Okay bye.

Night out with dearest.

Went to Chomp Chomp with my dearest boy just now to have our dinner. I think we ordered too much. Can't finish everything in the end. I was confident that we can finish it because I only have a bowl of red bean soup for breakfast and that's the only meal I took for the whole day. But oh well. Its delicious but one of the crayfish did not meet our expectation. It taste a bit..... Weird. I think its spoiled. And we are suppose to have butter crayfish instead of chilli crayfish. Other than that, all are nice. On our way home, I made a fucking lame joke about the Chop Suey. Shall not mention it here cause its really very lame.

Before going over to baby's house, bumped into Shao Yang and we chat a little. Bought a book today. And....... Shall not mention the book's title also. Will talk about it when I finish reading it. I don't know how long will I take to finish it but I will definitely finish it by the end of November. I'm just curious but does anyone read my blog? Just curious. Feel free to leave a comment. Shall end with a picture of me. HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHHE

Saturday 20 October 2012

In a relationship: Laziness

Yes, I'm going to rant about laziness. Everybody is lazy. Admit it. Whether is small or big matter, ITS STILL LAZY. But sometimes, people are simply too lazy that I get really pissed about it.

In a relationship, both parties will be putting a lot of effort into it. Like sending your partner home etc. But when both of you get used to each other and comfortable about everything, BOMB! There comes laziness. Some will be lazy to do what they previously do before getting comfortable and all. They won't do what they used to and ya, they're just lazy. Its either they think that their relationship is stable and he/she won't mind or they're just pure lazy. IF YOU WANNA MAINTAIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP, DON'T PUT IN SO MUCH AT THE STARTING SO YOU WON'T GET TIRED AFTER A FEW MONTHS OR EVEN WEEKS. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. But on the other side, usually girls, if you talk to them about it and they are still lazy, then just forget it. Suck it up. Get used to it. But if you can't get used to it, then its either you do things you expect them to do with you yourself or you can just ignore him till he do something about it. I won't suggest anything else other than these two. Although its hard, you will get through this. Don't ever make laziness an excuse for either party to leave. Its just plain stupid. Well, I'm still pissed. Maybe is me whose expecting too much or he is lazy. Okay wait, he IS lazy. I shall do things myself. I will get the job done faster. And ya, bye.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

School life

So basically I spend my whole day in the IT helpdesk due to the problems my laptop is giving. I can't run Eclipse and I have to reformat my laptop. How bad can the day be. Sitting in class without laptop. No msn no facebook no twitter. Fuck. Was quite a tiring day today. Did meet up with my dearest boy today. Rushed home to change and go work after school. I only had three hours of sleep yesterday. I hardly survived in school but I survived! I'm so exhausted. Okay bye.

Jealous Bitch

The title explains every fucking shit. Well, I'm someone who gets jealous easily and tends to be over possessive. I don't like this but I can't help it. Its difficult to control such feelings. Who likes to feel jealous. Jealousy is a very terrible feeling. You feel angry, sad and sometimes disappointed all at the same time. It doesn't feel good at all. I don't like it when people touches my things or people do things that I can't accept with someone I love. I will fuck you up. And nope, no chance given. I was really upset yesterday due to some reasons(shall not state it here.) and kinda show attitude to everybody. Maybe I'm just A LITTLE too possessive. No matter what, its his close friend. What to do... If I can accept you being so close to him, why not you accept the fact that I will be around most of the time? Its like, why do you even ask if I'm with him or not. Does it even matter? Whatever is in your mind, I'm pretty sure its not that positive. I swear I was damn pissed off yesterday. Even till now, I think of it, I can still feel my blood boiling.

Well, there are some trust issues too. I just feel very insecure. There might be reasons that I can't really say or know but I don't like this feeling. Who will ever like this fucking feeling. Oh god. Shall try not to give a fuck about it. Maybe I will feel better... Like I always said, the world is full of temptations. Whoever can resist those temptations is a keeper. Those who can't.. I don't think it will be good for your future unless you tell me your future wife is okay with you having affair outside. Enough ranting. Goodnight.

Monday 15 October 2012

Back to blogging.

School life is boring. I need some entertainment. Although there isn't much to blog about, at least I have a task to do other than school.

Today, I shall talk about one of my close friends. This upsets me a little but I don't give a fuck anymore. If he thinks that he didn't change at all, what more can I say. We used to be very close. We know each other since year 1 sem 1. Although we had fights and all, we were still as close. Until few months back, he got into a relationship and totally changed to another person. Till I can no longer communicate with him when we used to talk everyday. Yes, he might have his own reasons but why can't he share with me and talk about it like how we used to? This really upsets me. If by doing so you'll be more happy then so be it. I don't give a fuck anymore. And nope, I will not show any concern about your life. Its just too fucked up. Kthxbye. You suck balls.