Sunday 21 October 2012

My sunday

So today, I woke up extra early to meet my boy. Promise to clean his guinea pig's cage today. After breakfast, I'm so reluctant to move. But we did clean the guinea pig's today. It was tiring and it wasn't as easy as I thought. No wonder he is so lazy to clean it himself. (My brain is not functioning well after 5 hours of work. So I shall skip all the details and straight to what happened at workplace today.)

Didn't have much rest after all the cleaning. Went to work and was early for 30 minutes. As usual, I will go upstairs and have a puff before I start all the shits. I don't know why but I think today's customers are so weird. All gave $50 dollar notes instead of small change. What's wrong with you people today?! Money is one thing, the another thing that pisses me off today was the customers. I shall describe the situation one by one.

Customer A: (who take a long time to look at the menu.) I understand that you are not familiar with the menu but you don't have to block the whole queue right? Can you like, take the small pocket menu and stand out of the queue so that we can take orders from others before you know what you want to drink? After thinking for so long and you ordered milk tea with pearl. What the fuck?
Customer B: Keeps repeat that she doesn't want ice in her drink after she's done with the ordering. I know you don't want ice in your drink but you really need to stop repeating cause it's getting really irritating.
Customer C: Ask every single drink that is displayed on the counter. It already says what kind of drink it is, so don't ask questions when you already know what's in it.

I know I'm working at the F&B line and I'm suppose to tolerate all these nonsense but seriously? I know I complain a lot but I just can't stand such customers. Was very very very tired the whole day and only had one meal today. Well, I don't know if is because I'm really busy or I think that I'm busy. Tomorrow is the start of Week 2 and I hope everything goes well till Thursday. After Thursday, I can finally enjoy a long weekend. Shall spend some time with my boy. Shall end here. Okay bye.

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